Thursday, June 25

The (sort of like) Thomas Crown Affair

Usually you know what you're getting when it comes to shoplifters. Today, however, was slightly different.

I got the call over the radio that a shoplifter was being detained by security at a store on the other side of town, no rush then, off we go. Upon arrival I'm met by a kind member of staff who escorts me to the security office where I come face to face with the indisputable suspect - he was caught red handed.

Wow, he's 84 years old! I couldn't believe it, not that I showed my surprise. This guy had trouble standing as I entered the room, forget running, definitely not a flight risk. I couldn't arrest him, and I'm glad because I didn't want to, the guy was a legend.

He had never broken the law in his life, that we know of, and one day he just decides he's gonna spice things up and start a life in crime. A real life 84 year old Thomas Crown.

The best bit of all was the old timer, who was perfectly sane, was more worried over what his wife was going to say than what we were going to do. His wife must have been a scary old bird cause he was bricking it. We didn't tell his wife. So I gave him a fine and we were all on our way.

I don't condone theft on any level but you have to admire the guy's initiative and balls in making something out of his otherwise monotonous day. It just goes to show it's never too late to start a new hobby or do something you've always wanted to do, but never quite got round to it. Though I'm sure most would agree stealing art would be far more exciting than a box of strawberries.

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