Thursday, June 25
The (sort of like) Thomas Crown Affair
I got the call over the radio that a shoplifter was being detained by security at a store on the other side of town, no rush then, off we go. Upon arrival I'm met by a kind member of staff who escorts me to the security office where I come face to face with the indisputable suspect - he was caught red handed.
Wow, he's 84 years old! I couldn't believe it, not that I showed my surprise. This guy had trouble standing as I entered the room, forget running, definitely not a flight risk. I couldn't arrest him, and I'm glad because I didn't want to, the guy was a legend.
He had never broken the law in his life, that we know of, and one day he just decides he's gonna spice things up and start a life in crime. A real life 84 year old Thomas Crown.
The best bit of all was the old timer, who was perfectly sane, was more worried over what his wife was going to say than what we were going to do. His wife must have been a scary old bird cause he was bricking it. We didn't tell his wife. So I gave him a fine and we were all on our way.
I don't condone theft on any level but you have to admire the guy's initiative and balls in making something out of his otherwise monotonous day. It just goes to show it's never too late to start a new hobby or do something you've always wanted to do, but never quite got round to it. Though I'm sure most would agree stealing art would be far more exciting than a box of strawberries.
Wednesday, June 24
Very exciting times
Ah well for all those left at school - SHHHAAAME aha! :)
Monday, June 22
Gimme Gimme Gimme
Owh I guess I am just following what the government do! aha
Thursday, June 18
rant over.
BIG weekend now. BIG BIG BIG!!!
Wednesday, June 17
Hi Mr Blog
It is really wierd the feeling of never having school again. From always having a bit of coursework lingering around or exams in the head to having nothing to have to do is a really wierd feeling. Nonetheless a good feeling! I want the weather to be better today though! its summer after all! cheer up mr sun :)
That is all for now I will have a big long proper blog soonish. Perhaps tonight. Perhaps
Sunday, June 14
So relaxed
Today I woke up at 12ish roughly - and woke to Moto GP in TV, and I have never watched it before but got really sucked into it! It was really good, very tense! May definetly have to watch it more often!
Saturday, June 13
We went to a
TOO friendly.
What a good laugh though. I highly recomend. We went to Escape in Soho, yeah happy 19th Liam.
Journey up to London after work was eventful and the journey back = even better.
We met a nice londoner 23 years old man with very little hair. He was chatting up these old women of easily 60, and asking them about orgys. Brrrrilliant.
On the way home we met Germans on the bus back to Piccadilly took them to Burger King and taught them what CLUNGE was. Oh and this homage to the inbetweeners is not over just yet!
Grab more burger king inside the train station.
"can you say desbraaah" lol yeah turns out they can! - Burger King employees.
When on the train we choose the only seats located in an area blatently swamped in a liquid of im not sure what. Piss I gueesss. The clever cunts from first great western decide to lock ALL the toilets on the train and at the station, hence the piss on the train floor. I'm guessing.
Its not over yet. We meet a brilliant guy and "miss" who defo added to the good night. Both randomly teachers.... And the teachers swapped numbers lol. Its odd, after finishing skl we are enlightened huh!
Ho hum, well Miss Eaves yeah u heard me Miss Eaves is coming to Smokies on Wednesday, Liams Buffday and so is Mr Sansonee. Ayyyymen!
If your reading this Miss Eaves, excellent gun and use of material from a teenagers show the inbetweeners. I would say however use your own material next time perhaps, oh well - drink is deserved on your behalf.
Lesson from tonight which we should have learnt by now, Liam is never NEVER on time.
two minutes boys!
Friday, June 12
I am in rather a good mood
"I had a dream" last night and I probably dream most nights however I remembered this one. How very strange.
Ive uncovered a few little gems of websites recently. Some I've known for a while and some of recent. All will be revealed with them to very soon!
Anyways I have work soon, but let me leave you with this BRILLIANT website! It is the only website you need if you wish to keep up with Politics!
Wednesday, June 10
They say time passes when you're having fun . . .
The english exam was a right head fuck. I mean I feel I did well in it and answered all the points I cam up with, but the time literally just flew by for me. But it certainly was not fun.
I mean I enjoyed the experience in being able to be calm and reflect on all the stuff we learnt etc. . . and draw upon past books and plays we had studied but it was'nt fun.
Ho hum... Media tommorow afternnon but I am literally brain dead after the 4and a half hour en-slaught of exams today. GEE Whiz soo im guna relax this evening maybe do some internet research into media later.
LOL the ASA wrote back to me. They took my complaint very seriously and said that if I can build a bigger case they will withdraw the advert immediatly!
It is really surprising to see how seriously the ASA takes things. They remind me of monkeys knit picking!
I am also very angry with my car right now. Those who have had the experience to ride the tractaaaaaa understand it is a bitch to drive. It is really hard to put into gear right now it particularly hates gears R, 1 and 2. Ho hum garage soon? maybe.
Friday = end of exams end of school and beginning of such a cracking summer.
Seriously soo much to look forward to. I would say highlights = Jonzo's BBQ, Prom, Callums 18th, Kos!!!
Take it easy!
Monday, June 8
The Walkers Crisps Advert - a complaint!
After the massive complaints about the Russell

After all the complaints about that prank call Jonathan Ross got suspended by the BBC.
I thought if I made a complaint about something petty like the incident noted above, maybe I could get the Walkers advert withdrawn.
Why would I want to do that? Well in the walkers advert neither Gary Lineker or Cat Deeley are wearing helmets whilst riding bicycles. Now this is not illegal but I think it is irresponsible.
Now if you know me, you know I am very rarely serious. And this is the same - I am not being serious, but I would like to see how far I can make this petty complaint of the two celebrities not wearing helmets whilst cycling go.
I mean I could write in to newspapers etc. . .
I have nothing against Walkers or the celebs as it were. I just want to see how far the petty complaint can go. I complained in great detail to the ASA Click here to visit about it.
Saying that it was irresponsible as the celebs are very influential especially whilst many children ride bikes.
Also the government is trying to get more people to cycle.
And Health and Safety regulations etc. . .
Well we shall see how far it goes. But I guess rather like the whole Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand prank, my complaint is all just a prank.
Take it easy.
Hello Edward Morgan Exams
On another note. I am soo excited about SUMMER!!! It is going to be a real mad one! We have the PROM, the summertime rally, and KOS, Callums 18th. Mayne I am soo excited and it all kicks off this friday with Liams Birthday!
Oh mate.
Traditional Ed Morgan (current affairs) style blog later!
Sunday, June 7
I hate the BNP

This is an excellent website in which talks about the truth behind the BNP scum!
Saturday, June 6
This is one for those who are into Politics or follow the news.
Friday, June 5
Thursday, June 4
(Originally this blog was supposed to be on Hypnosis) I can never keep on topic. EVER
Every time I see a programme on it or an advert or anything I really do not buy into the idea of hypnotism, this could be down to scepticism in me but they all seem so scripted. I have always believe that if something is too good to be true then it most probably is. Darren Brown is a man who has bought the idea of hypnotism to the main stream and really sold it as an entertainment in modern day life. He seems to be a mind reader among other things. I just do not think it works. Maybe if I saw it in real life etc. . . I may not be so sceptical about it. I am just not convinced at all. Another man who does this is Marshall Sylver look him up on YouTube he is a real sell out who just does it to make money and sells a dream. Like ALL Americans, now I am not saying there is anything wrong with hypnosis or the people who do it or believe in it. BUT I just think it is all fake like magic. An entertainment thing.
HO HUM moving on I have far more interesting aspects and topics to talk about.
Just quickly for those looking for info On the Rally it is on the Facebook Group just search " UK SUMMERTIME RALLY" there is also some information on this blog (if you click the articles to the right hand side of the page... >>>>>>>>>
Recently I came across a brilliant website that analyses TV Adverts and chooses bad ones. It is a good laugh, Check it out.
Oh and speaking of bad adverts the new waitrose advert is terrible. Look out for it!
BIG BROTHER starts up again tonight, I know I have already spoken about this, I think I may actually watch it, or try to follow it. I'm not entirely sure yet. We shall see tonight.
I really should be revising slightly more than I am hey ho.
General Elections today those who can vote and have not yet voted MUST it is a right and we are very lucky to have this right to be able to vote. Vote for anyone but Labour, UKIP and BNP. I say vote for Lib Dems or Green!!!
My next blog coming up will be on Desborough Good times etc...
Take it easy
Tuesday, June 2

'THE UK SUMMERTIME RALLY' is the name for the rally being organised. This rally will take place in the first week of August – Starting on Monday to Thursday this is the 3rd till the 6th. The rally will start in Maidenhead, Berks on the Braywick Rd (A308) @ the Rugby/Golf Club first car park at 9am.
'THE UK SUMMERTIME RALLY' is a road rally which was inspired by the GUMBALL 3000 rally. For those who do not know or understand the concept of this here is a link which contains plenty more information, on what and how the rally will shape.
THE UK SUMMERTIME RALLY will run a checkpoint system, there will be one checkpoint for each day all in all there will be four checkpoints. The winner of the rally will be the one with the most points. Points will be awarded for the position a team comes in the rally. Teams consist of one vehicle, and there needs to be no less than two team mates to a team. Typically in these events teams of two or three work best.
The rally will run each day and will party at the checkpoints each night. You will not get the next checkpoint destination until you reach the first destination.
Currently there are spaces for 15 teams to race, and there has been a lot of interest into the concept of the rally!
To enter the rally email one of the Rally staff who are displayed on the Facebook group.
All rally entries are to be in by the 6th July. No late entries will be accepted.
Monday, June 1
Teen and Transgender Comparative Study, this is rather freaky!
Click the link for info and pics!
Cyclists on the road
Those tax-dodging footballers in full. Maybe...
This post is by Mark Russell of GQ.
For a sector of the workforce that contributes so much to the Zeitgeist, footballers have never been particularly sharp judges of the public mood. Take the Chelsea players who, for example, allegedly saw fit to party in public the evening of 9/11 while the rest of the West was in a state of shock. Or earlier this year, while banned for their part in a drinking session after a three-nil defeat to Holland, Scotland's Barry Ferguson and Alan McGregor made schoolboy V signs at the press while they sat watching the following national team play from the stands, forgetting that they were, by proxy, swearing at the entire nation. Cue much-deserved outrage and a lifetime ban from the national side for both players.
So now, just when the public mood is still simmering over tax-evading, home-flipping MPs, Premier League footballers are considering ways of avoiding the new 50 per cent tax rate introduced in the last budget.
Apparently Arsenal, Manchester United and Liverpool are seeking to use a loophole that would allow them to pay salaries as "interest-free loans", which in some cases attract a mere 2.5 per cent tax. As far as ill-judged tactics go, this is up there with Fergie's playing Ryan Giggs in the midfield hole against Barcelona last week.
Arsenal's Andrey Arshavin is reported to have said he received an "unpleasant surprise" when he saw the amount of tax he was paying on his £80,000-a-week salary, and is also believed to be seeking a higher deal to compensate for this fact. That'll be the same sort of "unpleasant surprise" that arises when purchasing a "cheap" season ticket at Arsenal's Emirates stadium for a whopping £925. As for the Premier League itself, they'll likely positively encourage this tax dodging or wage hiking to keep hold of the best players in the world, citing their fear of an exodus of talent.
There is a very strong argument that the influx of foreign players on the English league has had a detrimental effect on home-grown British players and as a result has weakened England's national team (who, let's not forget, failed to qualify for the last major tournament). So many foreign stars play in the Premier League that it's not unheard of for a Premier League side to field an all-foreign starting XI. However, whenever the idea of a cap on foreign players is mooted, the idea is dismissed by clubs and the authorities as being unworkable due to European employment law. Isn't it funny how the Premier League and the clubs' lawyers haven't been quite so quick to find a loophole here?
The GQ Blog is really good definitely worth bookmarking gents! Link for the blog on the right hand side.
A few months back I discovered this little guy, if you know Jonathan Rowney
He is quite like him. This guy is very geeky, has a bowl hair cut and sounds like Kermit the frog.
He is probably 15ish... To be honest I do not care about any of that. What I do care for is that he is
Just soo funny. Not on purpose but because he just is. And when he swears as well it is very funny to watch.
It is like when you hear your grandma swear you absolutely want to laugh. this link is his general Youtube channel
But videos of note are: I hate Soulja Boy
And Screw You Porn Addicts (this is brilliant)
Anyways I hope you enjoy laughing at him!
Oh and this is a picture of the fella